
Morning Glory

While on vacation I took a break from The Last Song (still struggling to pick it up since I've seen the movie now), and picked up the book Morning Glory. This time I was determined to read the book before seeing the movie.

Click to read about the author

I'm sure you've seen the previews by now for the movie currently in theatres featuring Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton. The book is by Diana Peterfreund who I had never heard of prior to reading the book. It's an enjoyable, quick read with very little conflict. Definitely a great book for vacation!

Let me know if you plan to read, have read it or if you've seen the movie!


Home Sweet Home

The honeymoon is over. And vacation too for that matter. [Insert sad face here]. I think we were ready to make Kauai our new home... if our dog had been on the trip with us, we may not have returned. Of course it was absolutely amazing and as beautiful as I had seen in pictures! It was just unbelievably perfect!

We have been battling jet lag this past week so I'm not up to blogging too much but wanted to share some pics with you! Enjoy!!

Sunset at Poipu Beach

Another beautiful sunset through the palms (I did do some photoshopping but it was beautiful before I did that)

Kilauea Light House- Northernmost point in the Hawaiian Islands