
My Birthday

While the Wedding Dress blog has been written, I'm still waiting on photos from the photography company to get here so that I can scan them in to complete the blog. In the meantime, I thought I would share some pics from my birthday this past week.

He brought me some flowers

He cooked me dinner, stuffed crab tilapia and baked potato.. .yum!!
(Don't judge the amount of sour cream on my bp, it's my bday)

The Best Part: I got my first wife card!!

He also picked up this delicious DQ Ice Cream cake. He told me the girl was having some trouble writing on the cake and spelling my name. When I pulled off the lid, I was like "Oh, my gosh!! They spelled Birthday wrong!" My hubs was disappointed and said he was so worried about them spelling my name right, he didn't think he needed to check out the word "birthday." Haha! I love my "brithday" cake though.

1 comment:

  1. That's so adorable, Courtney! The food looks delicious, the cake is hilarious and you look so happy! :)


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